Vi feirer lipødemdagen med internasjonale lipødemwebinarer fra Lympha Press
Her finner du alle linkene. Disse webinarene krever forhåndsregistrering, og er på engelsk. Klokkeslettene er tilpasset EST standard (Eastern standard time) og kan muligens være avskrekkende. Men disse kan også sees i reprise.
Torsdag 10. juni kl 12.30 PM EST: Mind, body & the matrix: The role of pumps and other therapies for Lipedema.
Lipedema is a chronic and, in many cases, progressive disease. Over 25% of those diagnosed with this loose connective (fat) tissue disease also suffer from depression. Dr. Herbst explores the mind/body connection and how stress affects the extracellular matrix, which is the support system to all body functions. The role of inflammation and recommendations on how lipedema patients can reduce stress will also be reviewed.
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Onsdag 16. juni kl 8:00 PM EST: Lipedema patient round table
Stimulating conversation with some of the most insightful influencers in the lipedema world. Learn from their experiences and bring your questions to help uplift the Lipedema Community.
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Onsdag 23. juni kl 12:30 PM EST: Comprehensive treatment for Lipedema: What you can do
What can you do to make life better for yourself with lipedema and lymphedema? There are proven methods and strategies as well as innovative interventions that integrate various complementary modalities. Join us to learn how to combine the conservative with the creative to enhance your own care.
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Onsdag 30. juni kl 12:00 PM EST: How Lympha Press treats pain, fibrosis and swelling
Lipedema symptoms of pain and swelling, as well as progressive fibrotic changes, can be managed. We’ll discuss clinical evidence for conservative treatment of lipedema, and how Lympha Press® pneumatic compression therapy systems can be used as part of a comprehensive home treatment plan to reduce lipedema symptoms, improve mobility and increase quality of life. This webinar is intended for medical professionals as well as patients.
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